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Panther Bytes Blog
May 10, 2023
With the warm weather approaching, you will only get busier over the summer. That’s why there’s no time like the present to start your tech projects to better serve you when you need them most.
May 03, 2023
Now that the spring semester has ended, you can reflect on the past year. Technology is at the forefront of education, whether it’s office hours over Zoom and using Canvas to organize class information, to all the apps students will use to complete their classwork.
April 26, 2023
Whether you’re taking classes, working, going on vacation, or just chilling out this summer, your tech is likely to be an integral part of it all! Staying productive and active during the summer can be a challenge, so here are some tips for staying productive and focused and for keeping your tech in working order.
April 19, 2023
There are many advantages to taking and teaching classes during the summer term. Class sizes are smaller and can be completed in half the time (or less) of a typical course. They can be a great option to help students graduate on time, especially for those with more than one major or minor or for those switching majors.
April 12, 2023
Online meetings, workshops, and events are here to stay. Your coworkers may be next door or across the country. You can meet with colleagues and customers from around the world without needing to travel. Instructors allow for online class presentations, while conferences are offered online as a cheaper and more convenient option.
April 05, 2023
Graduation. The word sends a tingle down a senior’s spine at the mere mention. Commencement is so much more than just walking across a stage. Graduating from the school you’ve called home for four years changes everything about your daily routine and also means finding a job or going to graduate school, moving away from your friends, and so much more.
March 29, 2023
Sending fans a ticket offer for the game they most want to attend. Athletic trainers measuring an athlete’s biometrics to maximize their on-field performance. Processing on-field stats to guide game strategy. Coaches tracking their budget in real time to help guide spending decisions.
March 22, 2023
For college students, it’s imperative to have a good device to take notes, complete and turn in assignments, and stay in contact with your peers and professors. But what do you do when your laptop is low on storage and you can’t download the software you need for a new course? How about when your device is slow, and you have an assignment due at midnight?
March 15, 2023
Signing up hundreds of participants for a new research study in just a few days is something that most researchers only dream of. One group at Pitt did just that after offering up a $10 Amazon gift card for those willing to complete their online survey. However, even with the incentive, that response seemed too good to be true.
March 01, 2023
You barely even pay attention to it. You hear your phone ding, open the notification, hit the green button, and head back to your laptop to keep working. Simple as could be, right?
February 21, 2023
Employers today expect their professionals to be proficient in Microsoft Office apps, including Excel. Excel is a powerful spreadsheet program with the capability to organize data, make calculations, visualize information, and automate calculations. If you just use Excel to put information into neat and orderly tables, you’re missing out on the most powerful capabilities.
February 14, 2023
As students, we all know that dreaded feeling of hearing a professor announce a group project. If you’re anything like me, that means more anxiety and stress added to your already-stressful workload. Usually, the dread isn’t because I don’t want to work with other people. The stress comes from having to coordinate with other people.
February 07, 2023
In an increasingly technological world where many employers offer remote positions, digital savviness and tech skills can make you and your resume stand out from the crowd. While most of us have experience using laptops and joining Zoom meetings, being workforce-ready is a whole new ballgame. Read on to learn the top tech skills to cultivate to boost your resume.
February 01, 2023
The CAI Neurodiverse Solutions team and Pitt Information Technology implemented new automated testing practices to streamline IT infrastructure management for the University.
January 25, 2023
As the spring semester begins, so does my last semester of college – ever.