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Panther Bytes Blog
December 07, 2022
The work world was flipped on its head in March 2020 as world health experts declared a global pandemic. Students were sent home, buildings were closed, and everyone was left trying to figure out how to live and work remotely. Over the next year and a half, we have emerged from our houses to engage in person again.
November 30, 2022
Those first few days and weeks at Pitt are a whirlwind. So much information is thrown at you during Welcome Week, when you were most concerned about finding your classes and getting moved into your residence hall. Now that you know what you’re doing, it’s time to take your Panther prowess to the next level with the Pitt Mobile app.
November 16, 2022
Every fall, thousands of Pitt students complete an application for graduation, eagerly anticipating donning their caps and gowns to receive their diploma in front of friends and family.
November 09, 2022
Back in the day, nearly all faculty and staff worked almost entirely in a campus office with a Pitt phone extension, while residence hall rooms had campus phones installed — until cell phones made residence halls phones obsolete and the pandemic introduced wide-spread remote work.
November 01, 2022
OneNote is Microsoft’s electronic note-taking app that help you organize your notes, edit and annotate them, and share them with others. It is available to all Pitt students, faculty, and staff at no cost as part of Microsoft 365. I asked some OneNote devotees what they loved about it. Here's why it’s their go-to app and how they use it.
October 28, 2022
With Cybersecurity Awareness Month coming to a close, it would be a crime not to mention one of the most common scams: phishing. No, I’m not talking about that thing you do on the weekends during the summer at the lake, but rather sketchy emails.
October 20, 2022
Passwords — you can’t escape them. Logging into Canvas? Enter your password. Checking your email? Password. Online banking? Amazon purchase? Password, password. Passwords are such an integral part of online life, it’s easy to forget how important they are for protecting your digital footprint.
October 11, 2022
Cybersecurity has become one of the biggest IT topics over the last two years, from securing digital learning tools during the pandemic, to widespread phishing scams that continue to target students, faculty, and staff.
October 05, 2022
Digital Inclusion Week (October 3–7) is a week of education, awareness, and activism dedicated to addressing disparities in digital access. Digital inequity disproportionately impacts the lives and careers of people of color, older people, those with disabilities, the poor, and women.
September 21, 2022
OneDrive is Microsoft’s cloud service that lets you store and protect your files, share and simultaneously edit documents, get to your files from anywhere on all your devices, and even recover previous versions or deleted files.
September 14, 2022
Research takes place in labs. In libraries. At historical sites. In polls, statistical repositories, and news reels. Research methods can be as varied as the fields in which they occur, but one thing they have in common is an increasing reliance on technology.
September 02, 2022
After enjoying a long Labor Day weekend, many of us are already looking forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas. But for students, faculty, and staff of other faiths, the next major holiday may not be either one of those.
August 29, 2022
Technology gets smarter and more intuitive with every passing year. If you have no memory of slogging your way through a word processing program that looked like this (right), then consider yourself lucky.
August 24, 2022
Welcome (back) to campus, Panthers! When you were considering Pitt, many of you took a guided tour of the campus. During Welcome Week, you’ll be exploring your new home for the next four years, figuring out where to eat, where your classes are, and where the fun stuff takes place.
August 17, 2022
Attending Pitt gives you many advantages: a world-class education, exceptional research opportunities, a supportive environment, and a global network of Panther alumni. Pitt IT is here to support that mission with some great benefits of their own. Get all these awesome IT perks to enhance your Pitt experience.