Project Timeline | Information Technology | University of Pittsburgh

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Project Timeline


We expect this effort to last through spring 2024 and include administrators, faculty, students, staff, researchers, governance groups, community stakeholders, regional contacts, and vendor partners. It features three phases:

  • Phase 1: Discovery & Visioning 
  • Phase 2: Strategic Choice & Design
  • Phase 3: Refine and Finalize

 Phase 1: Discovery & Visioning (about 6 weeks)

Phase 1 will focus on gathering perspectives from a broad and diverse array of University stakeholders. We will solicit feedback on opportunities, challenges, and barriers that the University faces as an institution and specifically related to the future of digital technology and how it can help advance the institution's goals. The data we collect will inform the development of the high-level IT strategic pillars and goals.

 Phase 2: Strategic Choice & Design (about 4 weeks)

Phase 2 will focus on refining the elements of the Horizon, taking into consideration reasonable expectations of resources to realistically achieve the strategic goals and initiatives within each strategic pillar. At the conclusion of this phase, we will have produced a first draft of the Horizon.

 Phase 3: Refine and Finalize (about 4 weeks)

In Phase 3, we will focus on refining the draft Horizon into its final form by socializing it with the entire University community and collecting feedback.