4 Reasons You Shouldn’t “Remind Me Later” | Information Technology | University of Pittsburgh

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4 Reasons You Shouldn’t “Remind Me Later”

You’re probably no stranger to those little pop-up windows telling you that software updates are available for your device or app. If you’re tempted to click “Remind me later”, you’re not alone. According to a National Cybersecurity Alliance survey, almost 2 in 5 people admit that they “sometimes,” “rarely,” or “never” install software updates.

Don’t put off updating your software! It’s one of the easiest ways to keep your device and data secure. And software updates have other benefits that you don’t want to miss out on, from providing improved functionality to addressing known bugs. Here are 4 great reasons to click “Update Now”.

1. Patch Security Flaws and Protect Your Data

Hackers love security flaws, also known as vulnerabilities. A software vulnerability is a security hole or weakness in a program that hackers can take advantage of via targeted malware. A vulnerability can be exploited to infect your computer with little or no action on your part other than viewing a rogue website, opening a compromised message, or playing infected media.

Once the malware infects your computer, it can steal data saved on your device or allow the attacker to gain control over your computer and encrypt your files. Your personally identifiable information — from emails and passwords to bank account information — can be used to commit crimes in your name or they can sell it on the dark web to other cybercriminals. They can even force you to pay a ransom to regain control of your device or date … even worse, you can pay and still not get it back.

Software updates include security patches to keep hackers out! As the developers identify weaknesses, they write new code that closes the security holes. They often find vulnerabilities even before the hackers do. When you skip the update, you skip all that new protection and give bad actors more time to figure out how to exploit the vulnerability. So stay up-to-date to stay safe!

2. Play Well with Others

Cybersecurity is mostly about you, but you’ve got other people to think about, too. If your device gets a virus, you could pass it on to your friends, family … and everyone else at Pitt! It can even compromise whole enterprise systems and expose University-wide data.

On a less catastrophic note, you also need to make sure you can keep working with other people and systems. Updates help to ensure compatibility with newer devices, systems, and software. This is especially critical if you connect your laptop to other devices (such as external storage or specialized input devices) or to log into enterprise systems. it’s best to stay on top of potential compatibility issues before they actually become a problem.

3. Get the Latest and Greatest Features

Software manufacturers generally maintain their products for a long time after they’re released. Most updates have little impact on how you use your device or apps — they’re more technical in nature and typically fix stability issues and squash minor bugs.

But every once in a while, the updates are more comprehensive and add new features or significantly improve existing ones. You don’t want to fall behind the times, right? Don’t miss out on cool new features or enhancements. You deserve no less than the best experience possible.

4. Achieve Peak Performance

Updates are one of the most important parts of sustaining performance and speed with less downtime. Out-of-date software and hardware aren’t always prepared to handle complex tasks, particularly those related to services and features introduced after their initial release.

A smoother user experience depends on regular maintenance. Updates help your device run at peak efficiency by improving processing and reducing issues like lag and crashes. Those performance issues add up, particularly if it means you’re using your computer for longer than anticipated because it’s not working correctly. Updates are a quick fix for these minor issues, which increases your device’s lifespan and reduces energy costs.

“Update Now” to Stay Safe

The next time you see that pop-up telling you that an update is available, don’t wait. Click “Update Now” to get the latest fixes, security upgrades, and newest features. Even better, configure your devices to update automatically so you don’t have to mess with the pop-ups at all!

-- By Karen Beaudway, Pitt IT Blogger

*Sources: National Cybersecurity Alliance, Norton, Tech Target