Discover the Tech Go-To Spots @ Pitt | Information Technology | University of Pittsburgh

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Discover the Tech Go-To Spots @ Pitt

Photo of Pitt Campus, with Cathedral of Learning at center

Welcome to the University of Pittsburgh, Panthers! As you settle into campus life, knowing where to find the tech resources that will support your academic journey is essential. Here’s a guide to ensure you’re fully prepared and connected during your time at Pitt.

Drop-In Support Locations

It’s pretty easy to contact the Technology Help Desk. But some issues — like installing apps and configuring your settings for Pitt, dealing with a virus, or trouble-shooting a software issue — are way easier to handle via hands-on assistance. Drop-In Support is ready to help you set up your device or resolve any tech issues. They are conveniently located in two locations on campus:

  • University Store on Fifth
  • G-62 Cathedral of Learning^
    ^During Welcome Week, this location has moved to Towers Lobby for your convenience!

Student Computing Labs

Need a place to work on a project or print out your assignments? Want a quiet study space with large monitors? Looking to hop online between classes? There are seven Student Computing Labs located across campus, including: Bellefield Hall 314, Benedum Hall B06, David Lawrence Hall 230, and three in Cathy (G-25, G-27, and G-62). If you have classes, activities, or live on upper campus, there’s also a lab in Sutherland Hall that is especially convenient.

Print From Anywhere to Anywhere

All Student Computing Lab, most academic buildings, and most residence halls are equipped with Pitt Print stations. There are over 50 printers located across campus, so chances are, there’s one not too far from you! (Be sure to locate the printer closest to your classes for quick and easy access throughout the year.) The convenience of Pitt Print is that you send your print job to a single online print queue. Then, you can go to any printer, swipe your ID, and release your document to that location. There are also color printers and multipurpose printer-scanner-copiers across campus.

Mobile Charging Stations

Picture this: You’re on campus, your phone battery is low, and you don’t have your charger. No need to panic or head back to your residence hall! Mobile Charging Stations allow you to power up your devices without missing a beat. They include a variety of charging cords for compatibility with nearly any phone or tablet. Charging stations are located in all Student Computing Labs, William Pitt Union, the University Store on Fifth, and Litchfield Towers Lobby.

Mobile Computing Counters and Lab

Working on a laptop or tablet isn’t always the most convenient. It can be hard to find a convenient outlet and the screens are small. That’s what the mobile computing counters are for! Students can work and study using their own laptop, tablet, and other devices. Wi-Fi service is available at all locations and special wall outlets provide both AC and USB power. A dedicated Mobile Student Computing Lab is in G-25 Cathedral of Learning, while Mobile Computing Counters with several 27" 4K screens are in G-27 Cathedral of Learning and 230 David Lawrence Hall.

Collaborative Room

The David Lawrence Hall lab has a collaborative room that enables students to share presentations on a large, central display and work together on dry-erase boards that line the walls. The room has a sliding door to provide privacy for groups while maintaining a quiet working environment for individuals using computers in the lab. Hillman Library also includes a number of group study rooms that can accommodate anywhere from two to ten people. Team rooms can be reserved online.

ID Card Issues? No Problem!

Your Pitt ID is your key to everything on campus, from building access and printing to meal swipes and laundry. If you’re having any issues with your ID card, Panther Central in Towers Lobby is the place to go. They’ll get you sorted quickly so you can get back to your day without the hassle. (Pro tip: You can check laundry room availability from your computer or mobile device so you don’t haul a load down only to discover all the machines are occupied.)

Online Anywhere

Getting online at Pitt is easy. Resident Wi-Fi (MyResNet) is available in all residence hall buildings. Administrative, academic, and recreational buildings on campus have PittNet Wi-Fi. Both offer high-speed broadband access to meet your needs. In addition, PittNet Wi-Fi is available in many outdoor locations and on Pitt shuttles! (See the complete list of locations with Wi-Fi network connectivity.) Please note: Pitt IT monitors network availability and can detect most outages. However, you should report poor service, lagging connections, and small outages to the Technology Help Desk, as localized issues may not be automatically detected. Remember, they can’t fix what they don’t know about!

Welcome to Pitt and have a fantastic & connected Welcome Week, Panthers!

-- By Haree Lim, Pitt IT Student Blogger