Apogee is experiencing an issue that is affecting Residence Hall Wi-Fi (MyResNet) access in Darragh Street Apartments on the Pittsburgh campus.
Students affected by the issue are having issues connecting or staying connected to the network named MyResNet-5G. As a workaround, students impacted by the issue can connect their devices to the network named MyResNet-2G, which does not appear to be affected by the issue.
Apogee and Cisco have taken steps to mitigate the issue that affected the performance of the MyResNet-5G network in Darragh Street Apartments. Testing with students onsite indicates that they are able to connect to MyResNet-5G successfully. Pitt IT is closely monitoring the service. Updates will be posted to status.pitt.edu as they become available.
If you are experiencing MyResNet Wi-Fi issues, please contact the Technology Help Desk at +1-412-624-HELP (4357) to report them to Pitt Information Technology so that we can gather additional details that will help with troubleshooting and resolution of the problem.