Summer 2020 and Fall Courses Now Available in New Learning Management System (Canvas) | Information Technology | University of Pittsburgh

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Summer 2020 and Fall Courses Now Available in New Learning Management System (Canvas)

Friday, April 24, 2020 - 13:40


The University Center for Teaching and Learning and Pitt IT want to ensure that students and instructors are prepared to use a better, more modern Learning Management System (Canvas).

Please be aware of the following important dates:

  • Now – Summer and fall courses are available and accessible in Canvas.
  • May 4, 2020 – The University’s learning management system transitions to Canvas from CourseWeb (Blackboard Learn) beginning with the summer 2020 term. Note: Instructors are encouraged to make every effort to transition their courses to Canvas. However, should current circumstances require additional time, a temporary extension is available for summer courses through the Student Information System (PeopleSoft). Find details at
  • Fall 2020 – Canvas will be the learning management system for all courses during the fall 2020 term. Late in the fall 2020 term, CourseWeb will be fully retired and no longer be available. Details are available at

You can log in to at any time to become comfortable with the interface and menu structure.

Note for Instructors: You can also create courses from scratch. Whether you will teach in the summer 2020 term, fall term, or will be on sabbatical, learning how to work in Canvas now makes it easier for you to create and manage your courses. The University Center for Teaching and Learning is ready to assist you with the following resources:

  • Canvas training opportunities on how to migrate content from Blackboard, as well as building content from the ground up
  • Individual one-on-one assistance
  • 24/7/365 online support from Canvas

Learn more about next steps to transition your courses to Canvas by visiting today.

Please contact the Technology Help Desk at 412-624-HELP (4357) if you have any questions regarding this announcement.