How to Opt-In Automatic Zoom Meeting Recording Import in Panopto


Zoom users can use this opt-in process that is set up in Panopto to receive automatic meeting recording imports. The instructions here are only for non-course recordings, scheduled via the Zoom app, myPitt, or Outlook.

Zoom meeting and webinar recordings made outside of Canvas will be stored in Zoom instead of Panopto. After 30 days, recordings stored in Zoom will automatically be moved to the Trash, where they will be held for an additional 30 days before they are permanently deleted.

Zoom meetings scheduled through Canvas will continue to be automatically imported.



  1. Login to Panopto, select the drop-down menu next to your name, then click User Settings.
  2. From User Settings, scroll down to Meeting Import Settingscheck the box to the left of the Zoom Integration (Zoom), then click Update.


Article ID: 581
Mon 12/11/23 1:49 PM
Mon 12/11/23 1:49 PM