How to Recover Deleted Zoom Recordings


Use the following information to recover your Zoom files:


Recover Local Recordings


  1. Open the Recycle Bin from your desktop.
  2. Right-click the recording, then select Restore.
  3. Your recording will be available again on the Recordings page.


  1. Open the Trash icon in your dock.
  2. Right click the recording, then select Put Back.
  3. Your recording will be available again on the Recordings page.


Recover Cloud Recordings (in the Web Portal)

  1. Sign into Zoom.
  2. From the left-hand navigation, click Recordings.
  3. If visible, click the Trash icon at the top right to view deleted cloud recordings.
    Note: If there is no icon, then there are no recordings available to recover.
  4. Click Recover, then click Recover again.
  5. Your recording will be available again on the Recordings page.


Article ID: 579
Mon 12/11/23 1:29 PM
Mon 12/11/23 3:42 PM